Turkey illustration with the words "Thankful for" next to it

You Gave Thanks and We Donated!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we at TextbookRush.com were wondering what YOU were thankful for. The event, Thankful For, gave our customers a chance to tell us what they’re thankful for; while being able to help others in need at the same time. We donated $1 for each response to the American Red Cross. It was an exciting opportunity for us to be able to connect with our customers, as well as contribute to a very beneficial organization. Our staff participated in the event as well!

Here are some of the comments from our staff:

  • Harry: “I am so thankful for my wonderful wife and daughter, the hilarious friends I get to work with, and for jQuery.”
  • Michael: “I am thankful first for having a God that loves and forgives us and sends comfort when we need it most. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that I have been given opportunities to do what I am doing and to live the life I have. I know that my life could be worse than it is, but between God and my family I have been able to keep going, and I am thankful for their support.”
  • Whitney: “I am thankful for all of the amazing people in my life, kitties, books and being able to find happiness with another person, my fiance!
  • Alison: “I’m thankful for my fiance, our new home, Daisy, Dot and my family and friends. I couldn’t be happier or more thankful.

I truly enjoyed reading all the wonderful comments from our customers (and employees!). Check out what everyone is thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at TextbookRush!

About the author

Alison Blankenship
Senior Marketing Manager
I graduated Cum Laude from The Ohio State University (Go Bucks!) with degrees in Marketing and Communications. I’ve been working in the textbook industry for over 10 years, and my work has been featured by College Confidential, Mercy College of Health Sciences, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Pennsylvania Tribune, Montana Technological University, Oregon Live, and other organizations.

I’m an obsessive lover of dachshunds and a passionate reader of books. I’m an avid Pinner and poster, and I’m all over our Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram and Pinterest.