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Modern Lens Design

ISBN-10: 0071438300

ISBN-13: 9780071438308

Edition: 2nd 2005 (Revised)

Authors: Warren J. Smith

List price: $145.00
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Well-known optics guru Warren J. Smith reveals time-tested methods for designing any major lens type and includes seven fully worked design examples.
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Book details

List price: $145.00
Edition: 2nd
Copyright year: 2005
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Publication date: 11/12/2004
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 631
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.10" long x 1.90" tall
Weight: 2.244
Language: English

Lens Design Books
Reference Material
Lens Design
Lens Design Program Features
About This Book
Automatic Lens Design: Managing the Lens Design Program
The Merit Function
Local Minima
The Landscape Lens
Types of Merit Functions
Generalized Simulated Annealing
Considerations about Variables for Optimization
How to Increase the Speed or Field of a System and Avoid Ray Failure Problems
Test Plate Fits, Melt Fits, Thickness Fits, and Reverse Aberration Fits
Spectral Weighting
How to Get Started
Improving a Design
Lens Design Tip Sheet: Standard Improvement Techniques
Glass Changes: Index and V-value
Splitting Elements
Separating a Cemented Doublet
Compounding an Element
Vignetting and Its Uses
Eliminating a Weak Element-the Concentric Problem
Balancing Aberrations
The Symmetrical Principle
Aspheric Surfaces
Evaluation: How Good Is This Design?
The Uses of a Preliminary Evaluation
OPD versus Measures of Performance
Geometric Blur Spot Size versus Certain Aberrations
Interpreting MTF-The Modulation Transfer Function
Fabrication Considerations
Lens Design Data
About the Sample Lens Designs
Lens Prescriptions, Drawings, and Aberration Plots
Estimating the Potential of a Redesign
Scaling a Design, Its Aberrations, and Its Modulation Transfer Function
Notes on the Interpretation of Ray Intercept Plots
Various Evaluation Plots
Telescope Objectives
The Thin Airspaced Doublet
Merit Function for a Telescope Objective
The Design of an f/7 Cemented Doublet Telescope Objective
Zonal Spherical Aberration
Induced Aberrations
Three-Element Objectives
Secondary Spectrum (Apochromatic Systems)
The Design of an f/7 Apochromatic Triplet
The Diffractive Surface in Lens Design
A Final Note
Eyepieces and Magnifiers
A Pair of Magnifier Designs
The Simple, Classical Eyepieces
Design Story of an Eyepiece for a 6 x 30 Binocular
Four-Element Eyepieces
Five-Element Eyepieces
Very High Index Eyepiece/Magnifier
Six- and Seven-Element Eyepieces
Cooke Triplet Anastigmats
Airspaced Triplet Anastigmats
Glass Choice
Vertex Length and Residual Aberrations
Other Design Considerations
A Plastic, Aspheric Triplet Camera Lens
Camera Lens Anastigmat Design "from Scratch"-The Cooke Triplet
Possible Improvements to Our "Basic" Triplet
The Rare Earth (Lanthanum) Glasses
Aspherizing the Surfaces
Increasing the Element Thickness
Split Triplets
The Tessar, Heliar, and Other Compounded Triplets
The Classic Tessar
The Heliar/Pentac
The Portrait Lens and the Enlarger Lens
Other Compounded Triplets
Camera Lens Anastigmat Design "from Scratch"-The Tessar and Heliar
Double-Meniscus Anastigmats
Meniscus Components
The Hypergon, Topogon, and Metrogon
A Two Element Aspheric Thick Meniscus Camera Lens
Protar, Dagor, and Convertible Lenses
The Split Dagor
The Dogmar
Camera Lens Anastigmat Design "from Scratch"-The Dogmar Lens
The Biotar or Double-Gauss Lens
The Basic Six-Element Version
Twenty-Eight Things That Every Lens Designer Should Know About the Double-Gauss/Biotar Lens
The Seven-Element Biotar-Split-Rear Crown
The Seven-Element Biotar-Broken Contact Front Doublet
The Seven-Element Biotar-One Compounded Outer Element
The Eight-Element Biotar
A "Doubled Double-Gauss" Relay
Telephoto Lenses
The Basic Telephoto
Close-up or Macro Lenses
Telephoto Designs
Design of a 200-mm f/4 Telephoto for a 35-mm Camera "from Scratch"
Reversed Telephoto (Retrofocus and Fish-Eye) Lenses
The Reversed Telephoto Principle
The Basic Retrofocus Lens
Fish-Eye, or Extreme Wide-Angle Reversed Telephoto, Lenses
Wide-Angle Lenses with Negative Outer Elements
The Petzval Lens; Head-up Display Lenses
The Petzval Portrait Lens
The Petzval Projection Lens
The Petzval with a Field Flattener
Very High Speed Petzval Lenses
Head-up Display (HUD) Lenses, Biocular Lenses, and Head/Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) Systems
Microscope Objectives
General Considerations
Classical Objective Design Forms: The Aplanatic Front
Flat-Field Objectives
Reflecting Objectives
The Microscope Objective Designs
Mirror and Catadioptric Systems
The Good and the Bad Points of Mirrors
The Classical Two-Mirror Systems
Catadioptric Systems
Aspheric Correctors and Schmidt Systems
Confocal Paraboloids
Unobscured Systems
Design of a Schmidt-Cassegrain "from Scratch"
Infrared and Ultraviolet Systems
Infrared Optics
IR Objective Lenses
IR Telescopes
Laser Beam Expanders
Ultraviolet Systems
Microlithographic Lenses
Zoom Lenses
Zoom Lenses
Zoom Lenses for Point and Shoot Cameras
A 20x Video Zoom Lens
A Zoom Scanner Lens
A Possible Zoom Lens Design Procedure
Projection TV Lenses and Macro Lenses
Projection TV Lenses
Macro Lenses
Scanner/f-[theta], Laser Disk and Collimator Lenses
Monochromatic Systems
Scanner Lenses
Laser Disk, Focussing, and Collimator Lenses
Tolerance Budgeting
The Tolerance Budget
Additive Tolerances
Establishing the Tolerance Budget
Sign Conventions, Symbols, and Definitions
The Cardinal Points
Image Equations
Paraxial Ray Tracing (Surface by Surface)
Paraxial Ray Tracing (Component by Component)
Two-Component Relationships
Third-Order Aberrations-Surface Contributions
Third-Order Aberrations-Thin Lens Contributions: The G-Sum Equations
Stop Shift Equations
Third-Order Aberrations-Contributions from Aspheric Surfaces
Conversion of Aberrations to Wavefront Deformation (Optical Path Difference)