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SPSS for Windows Base System User's Guide, Release 6.0

ISBN-10: 0131788566

ISBN-13: 9780131788565

Edition: 1993

Authors: Marija J. Norusis

List price: $48.00
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SPSS Categories performs conjoint analysis and optimal scaling procedures, including correspondence analysis.
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Book details

List price: $48.00
Copyright year: 1993
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 828
Size: 7.41" wide x 9.02" long
Weight: 2.706
Language: English

Normal 0 false false false Marija Noruscaron;is earned a PhD in biostatistics from the University of Michigan. She was SPSS's first professional statistician. During this time, she wrote her first book,The SPSS Introductory Guide.Since then she has written numerous volumes of highly acclaimed SPSS documentation, and textbooks that demystify statistics and SPSS. Dr. Noruscaron;is has been on the faculties of the University of Chicago and Rush Medical College, teaching statistics to diverse audiences. When not working on SPSS guides, Marija analyzes real data as a statistical consultant. For more detailed information about Dr. Noruscaron;is and her SPSS guides, visit her website at…    

Overview of SPSS for Windows
SPSS Windows
Main Menu
Chart Menus
Icon Bars
Status Bar
Statistical Analysis with the Dialog Box Interface
Data Editor
Creating and Editing Charts
Pasting and Editing Command Syntax
Saving Results
Ending an SPSS Session
Working with Large Data Files
Decimal Indicator and Windows International Settings
Keyboard Movement
Data Files
Creating a New Data File
Opening a Data File
Reading SQL Databases
Reading Text Files
Data Editor Window
File Information
Saving Data Files
Closing a Data File
Data Editor
Defining Variables
Entering Data
Editing Data
Finding Variables
Finding Cases
Finding Data Values
Case Selection Status
Pending Transformations and the Data Editor
Saving Data Files
Closing a Data File and Opening a Different One
Keyboard Movement
Output and Syntax Windows
Output Windows
Syntax Windows
Editing Text Files
Saving Text Files
Data Transformations
Computing Values
Random Number Seed
Counting Occurrences
Recoding Values
Ranking Data
Creating Consecutive Integers from Numeric and String Values
Time Series Data Transformations
Pending Transformations
File Handling and File Transformations
Sorting Data
Transposing Cases and Variables
Combining Data Files
Applying a Data Dictionary
Aggregating Data
Split-File Processing
Selecting Subsets of Cases
Case Selection Status
Weighting Cases
Data Tabulation
A Frequency Table
How to Obtain Frequency Tables
Descriptive Statistics
Examining the Data
Summarizing the Data
How to Obtain Descriptive Statistics
Reasons for Exploring Data
Exploring Data
Ways of Displaying Data
Evaluating Assumptions
Estimating Location with Robust Estimators
How to Explore Your Data
Crosstabulation and Measures of Association
Graphical Representation of Crosstabulations
Using Crosstabulation for Data Screening
Crosstabulation Statistics
How to Obtain Crosstabulations
Describing Subpopulation Differences
Searching for Discrimination
How to Obtain Subgroup Means
Multiple Response Analysis
Introduction to Multiple Response Data
Analyzing Multiple Response Data
How to Define Multiple Response Sets
How to Obtain Multiple Response Frequencies
How to Crosstabulate Multiple Response Sets
Testing Hypotheses about Differences in Means
Testing Hypotheses
The Two-Sample T Test
Using Crosstabulation to Test Hypotheses
Independent versus Paired Samples
Hypothesis Testing: A Review
How to Obtain an Independent-Samples T Test
How to Obtain a Paired-Samples T Test
One-Way Analysis of Variance
Examining the Data
Testing the Null Hypothesis
Assumptions Needed for Analysis of Variance
Analyzing the Variability
Multiple Comparison Procedures
How to Obtain One-Way Analysis of Variance
Analysis of Variance
Descriptive Statistics
Analysis of Variance
How to Obtain a Simple Factorial Analysis of Variance
Measuring Linear Association
Examining Relationships
The Correlation Coefficient
How to Obtain Bivariate Correlations
Partial Correlation Analysis
Computing a Partial Correlation Coefficient
Detecting Spurious Relationships
Detecting Hidden Relationships
Interpreting the Results of Partial Correlation Analysis
How to Obtain Partial Correlations
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Linear Regression
Multiple Regression Models
How to Obtain a Linear Regression Analysis
Curve Estimation
Selecting a Model
Predicted Values and Residuals
Testing for Normality
How to Obtain Curve Estimation
Distribution-Free or Nonparametric Tests
The Mann-Whitney Test
Nonparametric Tests
How to Obtain the Chi-Square Test
How to Obtain the Binomial Test
How to Obtain the Runs Test
How to Obtain the One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
How to Obtain Two-Independent-Samples Tests
How to Obtain Tests for Several Independent Samples
How to Obtain Two-Related-Samples Tests
How to Obtain Tests for Several Related Samples
Listing Cases
How to Obtain Case Listings
Reporting Results
Basic Report Concepts
Formatting Reports
How to Obtain Listing Reports and Reports with Summaries in Rows
How to Obtain a Report with Summaries in Columns
Overview of the SPSS Chart Facility
How to Create and Modify a Chart
Chart Carousel
Chart Definition Global Options
Rotated Vertical Chart Text
Bar, Line, Area, and Pie Charts
Chicago Uniform Crime Reports Data
Simple Charts
Clustered Bar and Multiple Line Charts
Drop-Line Charts
Stacked Bar and Area Charts
Variations in Bar, Line, and Area Charts
How to Obtain Bar, Line, Area, and Pie Charts
Transposed Charts
High-Low Charts
Simple High-Low Charts
Clustered High-Low Charts
Difference Line Charts
How to Obtain High-Low Charts
Boxplots and Error Bar Charts
Error Bar Charts
How to Obtain a Boxplot
How to Obtain an Error Bar Chart
Scatterplots and Histograms
A Simple Scatterplot
Scatterplot Matrices
Plotting in Three Dimensions
How to Obtain a Scatterplot
How to Obtain a Histogram
Pareto and Control Charts
Pareto Charts
Control Charts
Using the Same Data on Pareto and Control Charts
How to Obtain a Pareto Chart
How to Obtain a Control Chart
Normal Probability Plots
How to Obtain Normal Probability Plots
Sequence Charts
Plotting Health Care Stock
Seasonal Trends
Examining the Errors
How to Obtain Sequence Charts
Autocorrelation and Cross-Correlation
The Autocorrelation Function
The Partial Autocorrelation Function
The Cross-Correlation Function
How to Obtain Autocorrelation and Partial Autocorrelation Charts
How to Obtain Cross-Correlation Charts
Modifying Charts
Exploring Data with the Chart Editor
Enhancing Charts for Presentation
Editing in a Chart Window
Changing Chart Types (Gallery Menu)
Modifying Chart Elements (Chart Menu)
Selecting and Arranging Data (Series Menu)
Modifying Attributes (Attributes Menu)
Printer Installation
Files and Windows
Printing a Syntax or Output File
Printing a Data File
Printing a Chart File
Setting Up Your Printer
Production Mode Printing
Command Index
Variable Information
File Information
Output Page Titles
Reordering Target Variable Lists
Stopping the SPSS Processor
Microsoft Mail
Other Utilities
Linking and Exchanging Information Between Applications
Object Linking and Embedding
Dynamic Data Exchange
Dragging and Dropping Files
Session Journal
Working Memory
Open a Syntax Window at Startup
Transformation and Merge Options
Display Order for Variable Lists
Display Format for New Variables
Custom Currency Formats
Preferences File (spsswin.ini)
Window Control
Icon Bar
Status Bar
Selecting a Window from the Menu
Getting Help
Windows Help
Types of Help Available
Command Syntax
A Few Useful Terms
Syntax Rules
Commands Available Only with Syntax
Commands Not Available in SPSS for Windows
Production Mode
Running SPSS in Production Mode
Running SPSS in Production Mode
Running Production Mode with Options
Building a Syntax File
Working with Large Data Files
Using Command Syntax to Create a Subset of Variables
Adding Variables and Combining Subsets
Application Program Interface
SPSS API Registration Database Keys
Editing the Registration Database
Sending Results Back to SPSS from Other Applications
OEM-ANSI Translation
Text File Translation
Disabling Conversion of Line Characters
Keyboard Movement and Accelerator Keys
Dialog Boxes
Data Editor
Syntax and Output Windows
Chart Carousel
Chart Window
Window Control