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Tom Jones

ISBN-10: 0192834975

ISBN-13: 9780192834973

Edition: 1998

Authors: Henry Fielding, John Bender, Simon Stern, Simon Stern

List price: $8.95
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Fielding's comic masterpiece of 1749 was immediately attacked as `A motley history of bastardism, fornication, and adultery'. Indeed, his populous novel overflows with a marvellous assortment of prudes, whores, libertines, bumpkins, misanthropes, hypocrites, scoundrels, virgins, and all too fallible humanitarians. At the centre of one of the most ingenious plots in English fiction stands a hero whose actions were, in 1749, as shocking as they are funny today. Expelled from Mr Allworthy's country estate for his wild temper and sexual conquests, the good-hearted foundling Tom Jones loses his money, joins the army, and pursues his beloved across Britain to London, where he becomes a kept lover…    
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Book details

List price: $8.95
Copyright year: 1998
Publisher: Oxford University Press, Incorporated
Publication date: 9/17/1998
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 976
Size: 5.25" wide x 8.25" long x 1.75" tall
Weight: 1.386
Language: English

Henry Fielding, 1707 - 1754 A succcessful playwright in his twenties, Henry Fielding turned to the study of law and then to journalism, fiction, and a judgeship after his Historical Register, a political satire on the Walpole government, contributed to the censorship of plays that put him out of business. As an impoverished member of the upper classes, he knew the country squires and the town nobility; as a successful young playwright, the London jet set; as a judge at the center of London, the city's thieves, swindlers, petty officials, shopkeepers, and vagabonds. As a political journalist (editor-author of The Champion, 1739-1741; The True Patriot, 1745-1746; The Jacobite's Journal,…    

Oxford World's Classics
Note On The Text
Select Bibliography
A Chronology Of Henry Fielding
The Introduction to the Work, or Bill of Fare to the Feast
A Short Description of Squire Allworthy, and a Fuller Account of Miss Bridget Allworthy, His Sister
An odd accident which befell Mr Allworthy at his return home. The decent
The reader's neck brought into danger by a description, his escape, and the great condescension of Miss Bridget Allworthy
Containing a few common matters, with a very uncommon observation upon them<
Mrs. Deborah is introduced into the parish with a simile. A short account of Jenny Jones, with the difficulties and discouragements which may attend young women in the pursuit of learning
Containing such grave matter that the reader cannot laugh once through the whole chapter, unless peradventure he should laugh at the author
A dialogue between Mesdames Bridget and Deborah, containing more amusement, but less instruction, than the former
Containing Matters Which Will Surprise the Reader
The Hospitality of Allworthy; with a Short Sketch of the Characters of Two Brothers, a Doctor and a Captain, Who Were Entertained by That Gentleman
Containing many rules, and some examples, concerning falling in love; descriptions of beauty, and other more prudential inducements to matrimony
Containing what the reader may, perhaps, expect to find in it
Which concludes the first book, with an instance of ingratitude, which we hope will appear unnatural
Showing What Kind of a History This Is; What It is Like, and What It is Not Like
Religious Cautions Against Showing Too Much Favour to Bastards; and a Great Discovery Made by Mrs Deborah Wilkins
The description of a domestic government founded upon rules directly contrary to those of Aristotle
Containing One of the Most Bloody Battles, or Rather Duels, That Were Ever Recorded in Domestic History
Containing Much Matter to Exercise the Judgment and Reflection of the Reader
The trial of Partridge, the schoolmaster, for incontinency; the evidence of his wife; a short reflection
A short sketch of that felicity which prudent couples may extract from hatred; with a short apology for those people who overlook imperfections in their friends
A Receipt* to Regain the Lost Affections of a Wife, Which Hath Never Been Known, to Fail in the Most Desperate Cases
A Proof of the Infallibility of the Foregoing Receipt, in the Lamentations of the Widow; with Other Suitable Decorations of Death, Such as Physicians, &c., and an Epitaph in the True Style
Containing little or nothing
The Hero of This Great History Appears with Very Bad Omens. a Little Tale of So Low a Kind That Some May Think It Not Worth Their Notice. a Word or Two Concerning a Squire, and More Relating to a Gamekeeper and a Schoolmaster
The Character of Mr Square the Philosopher, and of Mr Thwackum the Divine; with a Dispute Concerning -----
Containing a necessary apology for the author; and a childish incident, which perhaps requires an apology likewise
The opinions of the divine and the philosopher concerning the two boys; with some reasons for their opinions, and other matters
Containing a Better Reason Still for the Before-Mentioned Opinions
In Which the Author Himself Makes His Appearance on the Stage
A childish incident, in which, however, is seen a good-natured disposition in Tom Jones
Containing an incident of a more heinous kind, with the comments of Thwackum and Square
In which Master Blifil and Jones appear in different lights
Containing Five Pages of Paper
A Short Hint of What We Can Do in the Sublime, and a Description of Miss Sophia Western
Wherein the History Goes Back to Commemorate a Trifling Incident That Happened Some Years Since; but Which, Trifling as It Was, Had Some Future Consequences
Containing Such Very Deep and Grave Matters That Some Readers, Perhaps, May Not Relish It
Containing matter accommodated to every taste
An Apology for the Insensibility of Mr Jones to All the Charms of the Lovely Sophia; in Which Possibly We May, in a Considerable Degree, Lower His Character in the Estimation of Those Men of Wit and Gallantry Who Approve the Heroes in Most of Our Modern Comedies
Being the Shortest Chapter in This Book
A battle sung by the muse in the Homerican style, and which none but the classical reader can taste
Containing matter of no very peaceable colour
A story told by Mr. Supple, the curate
The narrow escape of Molly Seagrim, with some observations for which we have been forced to dive pretty deep into nature
Containing much clearer matters; but which flowed from the same fountain with those in the preceding chapter
A dreadful accident which befell Sophia. The gallant behaviour of Jones, and the more dreadful consequence of that behaviour to the young lady; with a short digression in favour of the female sex
The arrival of a surgeon. His operations, and a long dialogue between Sophia and her maid
Of the Serious in Writing, and for What Purpose It is Introduced
In Which Mr Jones Receives Many Friendly Visits During His Confinement; with Some Fine Touches of the Passion of Love, Scarce Visible to the Naked Eye
Which all who have no heart will think to contain much ado about nothing
A Little Chapter, in Which is Contained a Little Incident
A Very Long Chapter, Containing a Very Great Incident
By comparing which with the former, the reader may possibly correct some abuse which he hath formerly been guilty of, in the application of the word LOVE
In which Mr Allworthy appears on a sick-bed
Containing matter rather natural than pleasing
Which, among other things, may serve as a comment on that saying of Aeschines
Showing the truth of many observations of Ovid, and of other more grave writers, who have proved, beyond contradiction, that wine is often the forerunner of incontinency
In which a simile in Mr Pope's period of a mile
In which is seen a more moving spectacle than all the blood in the bodies
Of Love
The Character of Mrs Western. Her Great Learning and Knowledge of the World, and an Instance of the Deep Penetration Which She Derived from Those Advantages
Containing two defiances to the critics
Containing sundry curious matters
In which is related what passed between Sophia and her aunt
Containing a Dialogue Between Sophia and Mrs Honour, Which May a Little Relieve Those Tender Affections Which the Foregoing Scene May Have Raised in the Mind of a Good-Natured Reader
A Picture of Formal Courtship in Miniature, as It Always Ought to Be Drawn, and a Scene of a Tenderer Kind, Painted at Full Length
The meeting between Jones and Sophia
Being of a much more tempestuous kind than the former
In which Mr Western visits Mr Allworthy
A short chapter; but which contains sufficient matter to affect the good-natured reader
Containing love-letters, &c
The behaviour of Sophia on the present occasion; which none of her sex will blame, who are capable of behaving in the same manner. And the discussion of a knotty point in the court of conscience
A short chapter, containing a short dialogue between Squire Western and his sister
A Comparison Between the World and the Stage
Containing a Conversation Which Mr Jones W with Himself
Containing several dialoguesf
A picture of a country gentlewoman taken from the life
The Generous Behaviour of Sophia Towards Her Aunt
Containing Great Variety of Matter
A strange resolution of Sophia, and a more strange stratagem of Mrs Honou
Containing scenes of altercation, of no very uncommon kind
The wise demeanour of Mr Western in the character of a magistrate
Containing several matters, natural enough perhaps, but LOW
The adventure of a company of soldiers
The adventure of a company of officers
Containing the great address of the landlady, the great learning of a surgeon, and the solid skill in casuistry of the worthy lieutenant
A most dreadful chapter indeed; and which few readers ought to venture upon in an evening, especially when alone
The conclusion of the foregoing adventure
A wonderful long chapter concerning the marvellous
In Which the Landlady Pays a Visit to Mr Jones
In Which the Surgeon Makes His Second Appearance
In which is introduced one of the pleasantest barbers that was ever recorded in history, the barber of Bagdad, or he in Don Quixote
A dialogue between Mr Jones and the barber
In which more of the talents of Mr Benjamin will appear, as well as who this extraordinary was
Containing better reasons than any which have yet appeared for the conduct of Partridge; an apology for the weakness of Jones; and some farther anecdotes concerning my landlady
Jones arrives at Gloucester, and goes to the bell; the character of that house, and of a pettifogger which he there meets with
Containing Several Dialogues Between Jones and Partridge, Concerning Love, Cold, Hunger, and Other Matters; with the Lucky and Narrow Escape of Partridge, as He Was on the Very Brink of Making a Fatal Discovery to His Friend
In Which Our Travellers Meet with a Very Extraordinary Adventure
In which the Man of the Hill begins to relate his history<
In which the Man of the Hill continues his history
In which the foregoing story is farther continued
In Which the Man of the Hill Concludes His History
A Brief History of Europe. and a Curious Discourse Between Mr Jones and the Man of the Hill
Of Those Who Lawfully May, and of Those Who May Not, Write Such Histories as This
Containing a Very Surprising Adventure Indeed, Which Mr Jones Met with in His Walk with the Man of the Hill
The Arrival of Mr Jones, with His Lady at the Inn; with a Very Full Description of the Battle of Upton
In Which the Arrival of a Man of War Puts a Final End to Hostilities, and Causes the Conclusion of a Firm and Lasting Peace Between All Parties
An Apology for All Heroes Who Have Good Stomachs, with a Description of a Battle of the Amorous Kind
A Friendly Conversation in the Kitchen, Which Had a Very Common, Though Not Very Friendly, Conclusion
Containing a fuller account of Mrs Waters, and by what means she came into that distressful situation from which she was rescued by Jones<
Containing Instructions Very Necessary to Be Perused by Modern Critics
Containing the Arrival of an Irish Gentleman, with Very Extraordinary Adventures Which Ensued at the Inn
A dialogue between the landlady and Susan the chambermaid, proper to be read by all innkeepers and their servants; with the arrival and affable behaviour of a beautiful young lady; which may teach persons of condition how they may acquire the love of the whole world
Containing Infallible Nostrums for Procuring Universal Disesteem and Hatred
Showing Who the Amiable Lady and Her Unamiable Maid Were
Containing, among other things, the ingenuity of Partridge, the madness of Jones, and the folly of Fitzpatrick
In which are concluded the adventures that happened at the inn at Upton
In which the history goes backward
The escape of Sophia
A Crust for the Critics
The Adventures Which Sophia Met With, After Her Leaving Upton
A very short chapter, in which, however, is a sun, a moon, a star, and an angel
The history of Mrs Fitzpatrick
In which the history of Mrs Fitzpatrick is continued
In which the mistake of the landlord throws Sophia into a dreadful consternation
In which Mrs Fitzpatrick concludes her history
A dreadful alarm in the inn, with the arrival of an unexpected friend of Mrs Fitzpatrick
The morning introduced in some pretty writing. A stage-coach. The civility of chambermaids. The heroic temper of Sophia. Her generosity. The return to it. The departure of the company, and their arrival at London; with some remarks for the use of travellers
Containing a Hint or Two Concerning Virtue, and a Few More Concerning Suspicion
Showing What is to Be Deemed Plagiarism in a Modern Author, and What is to Be Considered as Lawful Prize
The Departure of Jones from Upton, with What Passed Between Him and Partridge on the Road
The Adventure of a Beggar-Man
Containing more adventures which Mr Jones and his companion met on the road
From which it may be inferred that the best things are liable to be misunderstood and misinterpreted
Containing a remark or two of our own, and many more of the good company assembled in the kitchen
In which Fortune seems to have been in a better humour
Containing little more than a few odd observations
The Disasters Which Befell Jones on His Departure for Coventry; with the Sage Remarks of Partridge
Relates That Mr Jones Continued His Journey, Contrary to the Advice of Partridge, with What Happened on That Occasion
A dialogue between Jones and Partridge
What Happened To. Mr Jones in His Journey from St Albans
An invocation
What befell Mr Jones on his arrival in London
A project of Mrs Fitzpatrick, and her visit to Lady Bellaston
Which Consists of Visiting
An Adventure Which Happened to Mr Jones at His Lodgings, with Some Account of a Young Gentleman Who Lodged There, and of the Mistress of the House, and Her Two Daughters
What arrived while the company were at breakfast, with some hints concerning the government of daughters
Containing the whole humours of a masquerade
Containing a scene of distress, which will appear very extraordinary to most of our readers<
Which treats of matters of a very different kind from those in the preceding chapter
A Chapter Which, Though Short, May Draw Tears from Some Eyes
In Which the Reader Will Be Surprised
In which the thirteenth book is concluded
an Essay to Prove That an Author Will Write the Better for Having Some Knowledge of the Subject on Which He Writes
Containing Letters and Other Matters Which Attend Amours
Containing various matters
Which we hope will be very attentively perused by young people of both sexes
A short account of the history of Mrs Miller
Containing a scene which we doubt not will affect all our readers
The interview between Mr Jones and Mr Nightingale
What passed between Jones and old Mr Nightingale; with the arrival of a person not yet mentioned in this history
Containing strange matters
A short chapter, which concludes the book
Too Short to Need a Preface
In Which is Opened a Very Black Design Against Sophia
By which it will appear how dangerous an advocate a lady is when she applies her eloquence to an ill purpose
By what means the Squire came to discover his daughter
In which various misfortunes befall poor Jones
Short and sweet
Consisting Partly of Facts, and Partly of Observations Upon Them
Containing Curious but Not Unprecedented Matter
A discovery made by Partridge
Of Prologues
A Whimsical Adventure Which Befell the Squire, with the Distressed Situation of Sophia
What happened to Sophia during her confinement
In which Sophia is delivered from her confinement
In which the history is obliged to look back
In which Mr Western pays a visit to his sister, in company with Mr Blifil
Schemes of Lady Bellaston for the ruin of Jones
In which Jones pays a visit to Mrs Fitzpatrick
The consequence of the preceding visit
Containing a Portion of Introductory Writing
The Generous and Grateful Behaviour of Mrs Miller
An extraordinary scene between Sophia and her aunt
A Pathetic Scene Between Mr Allworthy and Mrs Miller
Containing Various Matters
What happened to Mr Jones in the prison
A Farewell to the Reader
Containing a Very Tragical Incident
Allworthy Visits Old Nightingale; with a Strange Discovery That He Made on That Occasion
in Which the History is Continued
In Which the History is Farther Continued
Continuation of the history
Wherein the History Begins to Draw Towards a Conclusion
The History Draws Never to a Conclusion
Approaching still nearer to the end
The last In which the history is concluded
Explanatory Notes