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Reading the American Past Selected Historical Documents - From 1865

ISBN-10: 031240901X

ISBN-13: 9780312409012

Edition: 3rd 2005

Authors: Michael P. Johnson

List price: $18.99
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This two-volume primary-source collection provides a wide array of voices from the nation's past while emphasizing the important social, political, and economic themes of U.S. history courses. Thirty-one new documents (one per chapter) allow for a multiplicity of perspectives on environmental, western, ethnic, and gender history and more global coverage. Edited by one of the authors of "The American Promise" and designed to complement the textbook, "Reading the American Past" provides a broad selection of over 150 documents and editorial apparatus to aid students' understanding of the sources.
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Book details

List price: $18.99
Edition: 3rd
Copyright year: 2005
Publisher: Bedford/Saint Martin's
Publication date: 10/8/2004
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 368
Size: 5.75" wide x 9.00" long x 0.75" tall
Weight: 0.990
Language: English

Volume II: From 1865
Preface for Instructors
Introduction for Students
Reconstruction, 1863-1877
Black Codes Enacted in the South
Mississippi Black Code, November 1865
Former Slaves Seek to Reunite Their Families
Advertisements from the Christian Recorder, 1865-1870
A Black Convention in Alabama
"Address of the Colored Convention to the People of Alabama," 1867
Klan Violence against Blacks
Elias Hill, Testimony before Congressional Committee Investigating the Ku Klux Klan, 1871
A Northern Republican's Report on Reconstruction
Charles Nordhoff, The Cotton States, 1875
Business and Politics in the Gilded Age, 1870-1895
John D. Rockefeller Defends His Oil Trust
Testimony to the U.S. Industrial Commission, 1899
Jay Gould on Capital and Labor
Testimony before the U.S. Senate, 1883
William Graham Sumner on Social Obligations
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, 1883
Andrew Carnegie Explains the Gospel of Wealth
"Wealth," 1889
Henry Demarest Lloyd Attacks Monopolies
Wealth Against Commonwealth, 1894
The West in the Gilded Age, 1870-1900
Observations of Chinese Immigrants
James F. Rusling, Across America, 1866-1867
Swedish Immigrants on the Kansas Prairie
Ida Lindgren, Letters, 1870-1874
Texas Rangers on the Mexican Border
N. A. Jennings, A Texas Ranger, 1875
In-mut-too-yah-lat-lat Describes White Encroachment
Chief Joseph, Speech to a White Audience, 1879
A Plea to "Citizenize" Indians
Richard Pratt, "Kill the Indian... and Save the Man," 1892
The City and It's Workers, 1870-1890
A Textile Worker Explains the Labor Market
Thomas O'Donnell, Testimony before a U.S. Senate Committee, 1885
Domestic Servants on Household Work
Interviews with Journalist Helen Campbell, 1880s
A Romanian Jew Immigrates to America
Michael Gold, Jews without Money, 1890s
Labor Contractors and Italian Immigrants
S. Merlino, "Italian Immigrants and Their Enslavement, 1893
George Washington Plunkitt Explains Politics
William L. Riordon, Plunkitt of Tammany Hall, 1905
Dissent, Depression, and War, The 1890s
Addressing The Crisis in Rural America
Populist Party Platform, July 4, 1892
White Supremacy in Wilmington, North Carolina
Gunner Jesse Blake, Narrative of the Wilmington "Rebellion" of 1898
Pinkertons Defeated at Homestead
Pinkerton Guard Testimony, 1893
Conflicting Views about Labor Unions
N.F. Thompson, Testimony before the Industrial Commission on the Relations and Conditions on Capital and Labor, 1900
Samuel Gompers, Letter to the American Federationist, 1894
Mark Twain on the Blessing-of-Civilization Trust
"To the Person Sitting in Darkness," February, 1901
Progressive Reform from the Grass Roots to the White House, 1890-1916
Jane Addams on Settlement Houses
"The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements," 1892
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Explains "The Best Thing for All of Us"
Speech to Colorado Fuel and Iron Officials and Employee Representatives, October 2, 1915
Mother Jones on the Futility of Class Harmony
Letter to Mrs. Potter Palmer, January 12, 1907
An Anonymous Man Explains Why He Is a Wobbly
"Why I Am a Member of the I.W.W.," 1922
Booker T. Washington on Racial Accommodation
The Atlanta Exposition Address, 1895
W. E. B. Du Bois on Racial Equality
"Booker T. Washington and Others," 1903
World War I: The Progressive Crusade at Home and Abroad, 1914-1920
President Woodrow Wilson Asks Congress for a Declaration of War
Speech to Congress, April 2, 1917
Eugene V. Debs Attacks Capitalist War Mongers
Speech Delivered in Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918
A Doughboy's Letter from the Home Front
Anonymous Soldier's Letter to Elmer J. Sutters, 1918
National Popular Justice League Criticizes the Red Scare
Report on Illegal Practices of the Department of Justice, 1920
An African American Responds to the Chicago Race Riot
Stanley B. Norvell, Letter to Victor S. Lawson, 1919
From New Era to Great Depression, 1920-1932
President Calvin Coolidge on Government and Business
Address before the New York Chamber of Commerce, November 19, 1925
Reinhold Niebuhr on Christianity in Detroit
Diary Entries, 1925-1928
The Ku Klux Klan Defends Americanism
Hiram W. Evans, "The Klan's Fight for Americanism," 1926
Anzia Yesierska Describes a Vacation for "Worn Out Mothers"
"The Free Vacation House", 1920
Marcus Garvey Explains the Goals of the Universal Negro Improvement Association
"The Negro's Greatest Enemy," 1923
The New Deal Experiment, 1932-1939
Franklin D. Roosevelt Proposes an Activist Government
Speech to the Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, 1932
Working People's Letters to New Dealers
Letter to Frances Perkins, January 27, 1935
Letter to Frances Perkins, March 29, 1935
Letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 23, 1936
Letter to Frances Perkins, July 27, 1937
Letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 27, 1939
Huey Long Proposes Redistribution of Wealth
Speech to Members of the Share Our Wealth Society, 1935
California Citrus Grower Defends Mexican Farm Workers' Campaign to Organize
Frank Stokes, "Let the Mexicans Organize," 1936
Conservatives Criticize the New Deal
Herbert Hoover, Anti-New Deal Campaign Speech, 1936
Minnie Hardin, Letter to Eleanor Roosevelt, December 14, 1937
The Second World War, 1939-1945
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Requests Declaration of War on Japan
Speech to Congress, December 8, 1941
A Japanese-American Woman Recalls Pearl Harbor
Monica Sone, Nisei Daughter, 1953
The Holocaust: A Journalist Reports on Nazi Massacres of Jews
Varian Fry, "The Massacre of the Jews," December 21, 1942
Soldiers Send Messages Home
Sergeant Irving Strobing, Radio Address from Corregidor, Philippines
May 5 or 6, 1942
John Conroy, Letter, December 24, 1942
Allen Spach, Letter, February, 1943
James McMahon, Letter, March 10, 1944
David Mark Olds, Letter, July 12, 1945
The War Between the Sexes
Willard Waller Foresees the Coming War on Women, 1945
Cold War Politics in the Truman Years, 1945-1953
General Marshall Summarizes the Lessons of World War II
"For the Common Defense," 1945
George F. Kennan Outlines Containment
"The Long Telegram," February 22, 1945
Cold War Blueprint
NSC 68: United States Objectives and Programs for National Security, 1950
Senator Joseph McCarthy Hunts Communists
Speech Delivered in Wheeling, West Virginia, February 9, 1950
A POW in Korea
Nick Tosques, Oral History
The Politics and Culture of Abundance, 1952-1960
Edith M. Stern Attacks the Domestic Bondage of Women
"Women Are Household Slaves," 1949
Allen Ginsberg Ridicules American Hypocrisy and Complacency
"America," January 17, 1956
Rosa Parks Says "No": A Memoir
Rosa Parks: My Story
Civil Defense in the Nuclear Shadow
North Dakota Civil Defense Agency, How You Will Survive, 1960
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address
Farewell Address, January 1961
Reform, Rebellion, and Reaction, 1960-1974
President Lyndon B. Johnson Describes the Great Society
Address at the University of Michigan, May 22, 1964
Martin Luther King Jr. Explains Nonviolent Resistance
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail," 1963
Black Power
Chicago Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee Leaflet, 1967
Equal Rights for Women
National Organization for Women Statement of Purpose, October 29, 1966
Long Hot Summers of Urban Riots
The Kerner Commission Report on Civil Disorders, 1968
Vietnam and the Limits of Power, 1961-1975
President Kennedy Explains Why We Are In Vietnam
Bobbie Lou Pendergrass to President John F. Kennedy, February 18, 1963
President John F. Kennedy to Bobbie Lou Pendergrass, March 6, 1963
A Secret Government Assessment of the Vietnam War
Robert S. McNamara, "Actions Recommended for Vietnam," October 14, 1966
Military Commander Reassures Americans that the End Is in View
General William C. Westmoreland, Public Address, November 1967
Military Discipline in an Unpopular War
Robert D. Heinl, Jr., "The Collapse of the Armed Forces," June 7, 1971
An American Soldier in Vietnam
Arthur E. Woodley, Jr., Oral History of a Special Forces Ranger
America Moves to the Right, 1969-1989
The Watergate Tapes: Nixon, Dean, and Haldeman Discuss the Cancer Within the Presidency
Transcript from Tape-recorded Meeting on March 21, 1973
Roe v. Wade and Abortion Rights
Supreme Court Decision, 1973
President Ronald Reagan Declares the Government the Problem
Inaugural Address, January 20, 1981
President Ronald Reagan Defends American Morality
Address to the National Association of American Evangelicals
A Vietnamese Immigrant on the West Coast
Anonymous Man, Oral History
The End of the Cold War and the Challenges of Globalization and Terrorism, 1989-2003
President George Bush Declares a New World Order
State of the Union Address, January 29, 1991
Supreme Court Dissents from Deciding 2000 Presidential Election
Supreme Court Dissents in George W. Bush v. Albert Gore, Jr., December 12, 2000
President George W. Bush Receives CIA Warning about Al Qaeda and Addresses Congress after 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
President's Daily Brief, August 6, 2001, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S."
President George W. Bush, Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People, September 20, 2001
Al Qaeda Training Manual Declares Jihad
Al Qaeda Training Manual, Declaration of Jihad Against the Country's Tyrants
National Security Strategy of the United States Requires Pre-emptive War
The National Security Strategy of the United States, September 2002