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Postpartum Depression for Dummies

ISBN-10: 0470073357

ISBN-13: 9780470073353

Edition: 2007

Authors: Shoshana S. Bennett, Mary Jo Codey

List price: $19.99
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Covers psychological, medical, and alternative treatments Identify PPD symptoms, get help, and get your life back Worried that you - or someone you love - are suffering from postpartum depression? This understanding, authoritative guide explains this sensitive disorder and how it differs from the "baby blues." You'll see how to find the right doctors, evaluate the various treatments - from medication to therapy to self-help groups - and create a comprehensive plan for recovery. Discover how to Get an accurate diagnosis Find the proper treatments Break the cycle of negative thoughts Speed up the recovery process Get support from family and friends Plan for another baby after PPD
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Book details

List price: $19.99
Copyright year: 2007
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date: 1/10/2007
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 400
Size: 7.30" wide x 9.10" long x 1.00" tall
Weight: 1.408
Language: English

Allan Levine (born 1956) is a Canadian author from Winnipeg, Manitoba, known mainly for his award-winning nonfiction and historical mystery writing. As of 2004, Levine teaches history at St. John's-Ravenscourt School in Winnipeg, and is married with two children. He is the author of five books of nonfiction and three books of fiction.Shoshana Bennett, PhD, is the author ofPostpartum Depression for Dummies. A clinical psychologist, she founded Postpartum Assistance for Mothers in 1987. She has appeared on national radio and TV shows, including ABC’s20/20. She lives in San Ramon, California.

About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
What You're Not to Read
Foolish Assumptions
How This Book Is Organized
Bringing Postpartum Depression into the Light: What It's All About
The Three Little Letters: PPD and You
Diagnosis Confirmed: Looking at the Treatment Options for PPD
Traveling the Road to Recovery
Moving Beyond PPD
The Part of Tens
Icons Used In This Book
Where to Go from Here
Bringing Postpartum Depression into the Light: What It's All About
The Big Adjustment: Welcome to Motherhood
The Reality of Motherhood: Let Bootie Camp Begin!
The Reality of Postpartum Depression (PPD)
Debunking Denial: A Glimpse from Yours Truly
Denial's more than a river in Egypt
Why some doctors may be hush-hush about PPD
When Depression Begins in Pregnancy
Distinguishing between pregnancy hormone changes and PPD
Understanding the urgency of getting help at this stage
A Brief Overview of Treating and Recovering from PPD
Timing is everything, so begin your treatment now
Knowing your three main treatment options
Fostering recovery on your own
Before You Begin, Take Some Hope for the Journey
These Ain't No Baby Blues: PPD, Up Close and Personal
Baby Blues: Cute Name for a Crummy Time
What the lighter side looks like
Getting support
When the Misty Blues Turn to Darker Hues
Distinguishing between baby blues and PPD
Identifying the symptoms of PPD
Understanding the risk factors
Considering Special Situations Where PPD May Be on the Horizon
If Baby is seriously ill
If Baby passes on
If babies come in pairs (or more)
If you're a teenage mom
Extending beyond Biological Moms: PPD in Dads and Adoptive Moms
Letting go of preconceptions: Dads with PPD
Feeling the weight without the labor: Adoptive moms
You Mean There's More? Five Related Postpartum Disorders
Penciling in Some Lines: A Quick Comparison of Mood Disorders
When Fear Strikes: Panic Disorder
Searching for the root of an attack
Calming your panic
Helping others help you
Facing the Aftermath: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Reducing post-traumatic stress
Helping others help you
Breaking the Cycle: Handling Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
The obsessive side of OCD
The compulsive side of OCD
Putting OCD to bed
Helping others help you
Riding the Emotional See-Saw: Bipolar Disorder
Balancing the scales of bipolar disorder
Helping others help you
Immediate Attention Needed: Psychosis
Combating psychosis
Warning your loved ones
The Three Little Letters: PPD and You
Looking Within: Is PPD Your Big Bad Wolf?
Facing the Beast Head-On: Tuning In to Your Emotions
Minding Your Mentality: A Look at Self-Talk and Dark Thoughts
Hearing what you say to yourself
Recognizing the difference between fantasies and reality: A word about suicide
Watching for Warning Signs of the Physical Kind
Evaluating Your Postpartum Slump
A Professional Assessment: What's Huffing and Puffing at Your Mind's Door?
The Difficulties of the Diagnosis
Taking a Pre-Assessment: The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Answering a handful of questions
Discussing your pre-assessment with a professional
Receiving a Competent Professional Assessment
Making sure your doctor has proper PPD training
Going another round to establish a diagnosis
Reacting to Your Diagnosis
Seeking Out a Therapist to Keep Your Proverbial House Standing
Understanding the Role and Importance of a Therapist
Finding the Motivation to Go to Therapy: Demolishing Mental Blockades
In the beginning: Contemplating therapy
Confronting fear of the "therapy" label
Knowing that therapy doesn't mean you're weak
Revisiting previous bad experiences with therapy
Gracefully accepting your need for help
Understanding your partner's reaction
Talking yourself into, not out of, therapy
Seeking Help When You Suspect You Have PPD
Finding the Right Therapist for You
Knowing what to look for in a therapist
The gender bender: The equal weights of Mars and Venus
Choosing a Licensed Therapist
Sorting through the assortment of therapists
Other potentially helpful professionals
Paying for Therapy: Don't Shortchange Yourself
Locating a Therapist or Counselor
Assessing the Therapist You've Chosen
Diagnosis Confirmed: Looking at the Treatment Options for PPD
Venting Your Mind and Heart: Psychological Treatment
Knowing What to Expect From Therapy
The first point to remember: Keep your expectations realistic
Partnering with your therapist
The mechanics of therapy: Where, when, and how long
Grasping the length of the therapeutic process
Deciding when to show or when to go
Making the Most of Therapy
Assessing your needs
Putting out the fire before rewiring the house
Developing a wellness plan
Letting the nature of therapy take its course
Ending Therapy and Staying Healthy
Attending Groups
Counteracting a Chemical Cause: Medical Treatments
Recognizing the Benefits of Medication on Depression
Who You Gonna Call? A Psychiatrist, That's Who
Understanding why a psychiatrist is essential
Knowing where to go if you can't get to a psychiatrist
Addressing Concerns about Taking Prescribed Meds
The most common general worries
"Is taking meds while nursing safe?"
"How do I know I'm not dealing with a thyroid problem?"
Specific Types of Medical Treatments for PPD
Antianxiety meds
Sleep aids
Mood stabilizers
Antipsychotic meds
Electroconvulsive therapy
Understanding the Fact that Finding the Right Med(s) is a Process
Identifying the important health-related differences among women
Staying the course after you receive a prescription
Side Effects: You Can't Always Get Just What You Want
Knowing When to Begin Med Therapy
All Things Natural: Alternative Treatments
Introducing the World of Alternative Treatments
Looking back on the rise of alternative treatments
Sorting out basic treatment-type terminology
Combating the negative stigma of the alternative route
Alternative Treatments that Make the Cut for Their Success
Energy work
Guided imagery
Light therapy
Omega-3 fatty acids
Alternative Treatments that May Add a Bit of Benefit
Applied kinesiology
Chiropractic therapy
Administering Alternative Treatments: You and a Pro
Who's who in the name game
Searching for Other Alternative Treatments: Be on Guard!
Creating a Comprehensive Treatment Plan
The Three Components: Finding the Right Balance for You
Conventional Therapy or Alternative? A Quick Comparison
Coordinating the Plan
Letting a good doc guide the way
Meeting with a psychiatrist
Working with two therapists
Doing a bit of research
Making sure you're on the same page as your doc
Reacting to a doctor who stands her ground
Adding Professionals to Your Treatment Team
Getting Your Team Members to Huddle
As You Go through Treatment
Determining what's working
Knowing when it's time to try something else
Ah, the Good Stuff: Dealing with Insurance
Putting a price on happiness
Making the grade: Understanding the "in-network" mumbo-jumbo
Traveling the Road to Recovery
Getting the Most Out of Your Treatment
Recognizing the Stages of Recovery
Accepting PPD as a force to be reckoned with
Fear: Feeling the weight of self-doubt
Impatience: Wanting to shove Father (or Mother) Time forward
Glimmers of light: Experiencing moments of feeling good again
Recognizing the old you
Keeping the Faith: Ways to Foster Recovery
Staying in the present
Charting your progress to see success
Being kind to yourself
Loving your body (and respecting yourself, too)
Celebrating your successes
Playing your part in your treatment team
Setting the Supermom Cape Aside: Caring For Yourself
Eat and Drink Your Heart Out, Baby! (The Healthy Way, of Course)
Boosting your mood with food
Hydrating your brain
Taking nutritional supplements
Making Sure You Get Some Winks
Starting with the ideal plan
Making do with whatcha' got
Working through the challenges
Shakin' It for Your Love
Taking Regular Breaks
Avoiding burnout
Figuring out what to do with yourself
Staying Social
Cocooning versus unhealthy isolation
Confiding in people you're comfortable with
Creating a Positive Ambience
Muffling the noise
Getting away from cabin fever (without leaving the house!)
Soaking in some vitamin D
Trading the rags for britches
Shutting off the boob (tube)
Reading airy fluff, not serious stuff
Giving Yourself Permission to Set Limits
Reaching out and asking for assistance
Accepting help when it's offered
Structuring Your Day
Making lists
Setting yourself up for success
Knowing It's Okay to Lighten Your Load
Deciding whether to take it on
Slacking for the good of your health
Coping with Your Feelings
Learning to Ride the Waves
Facing Your Feelings Head On
Throwing a party for yourself! A pity party, that is
Releasing your perfect pictures
Letting your worries float away
Boosting Your Self-Esteem
Assessing your self-esteem
Improving your self-esteem
Knowing What You Can and Can't Control
Coming to terms with the truth
Relinquishing the reins to your partner
Responding to Others Honestly (But Appropriately!)
Taking a timeout when you feel snippy
Dealing with comments that put you on the defensive
Forcing Yourself to Laugh
Finding Somebod(ies) to Lean On
Emerging from under the Sheets
Accepting the fact that you need a support circle
Deciding whom to tell
Diversifying Your Support Team
Your partner
Home sweet home: The core of your support
Extending the innermost circle
Increasing the circumference to outside communities
Explaining Your Depression to Others
Adapting your info according to the listener
Getting personal with other adults
Giving the gist to older kids
Finding a Healthy Balance between Support and Self-Sufficiency
Helping Your Partner Help You
Understanding Your Partner's Role in the Battle
Dealing with Your Partner When You Want to Be Left Alone
Kindly explaining your need for solace
Keeping your cool
Minding your partner's need for space
Communicating Effectively on a Regular Basis
Listening, not just hearing
Scheduling regular debriefing sessions
Telling your partner what you need (without making him guess or making him wrong)
Maintaining sensitivity in your speech
Seeing a Therapist Together: Benefiting from an Extra Set of Brains
Getting Support when Friends and Family Make You Feel Worse
Sharing Responsibilities
Having a business meeting
Splitting household chores for now and always
Handling money matters
Watering Your Relationship and Letting It Grow
Continuing the dating stage
Enjoying Mars and Venus: Sex (for him) and intimacy (for you)
Showing love to your partner even when you feel empty
Helping the One You Love: A Chapter for Family, Friends, and Partners
Reacting in a Healthy, Helpful Way
Showing your understanding and unconditional support
Acknowledging your difficult feelings
Keeping your lips sealed
Getting Information if Depression Is Foreign to You
Thickening Your Skin: Not Taking Things Personally
The negative actions or reactions aren't about you!
You aren't the trigger (or the fixer) of your loved one's PPD
Caring for Yourself
...To benefit her
...To benefit you
Keeping Kindness in Your Countenance
Continually caring even when you're frustrated
Holding closely the virtue of patience
Radiating optimism and hope
Putting Your Love into Action
Listening without trying to fix her (or her problems)
Providing the partner support she needs
Lending a helping hand
Encouraging healthy habits
Referring her to helpful resources
When PPD Escalates: Recognizing the Warning Signs of Suicide
Practicing Sensitivity: Knowing What's Okay and Not Okay to Say
Leaving constructive criticism by the wayside
Lauding her efforts
Keeping her stress under wraps
Steering clear of mentioning her shortfalls
Making her sure of your loyalty
Moving Beyond PPD
Delight at the End of the Tunnel: Emerging with a New Sense of Self
Looking Back: Build Yourself Up, Buttercup
Remembering the past: The healing gift that lasts
Congratulating yourself for pressing on the journey of healing
Completing and "anchoring in" the healing process
Taking Back the Reigns
Setting realistic goals
Making decisions again
Taking over tasks
Feeling Like Yourself...Or Even Better
Deciding Whether to Have Another Baby
First Things First: Assessing Your Intentions
Making an Informed Decision, Sans Fear
Sizing up your risk of getting PPD again
Knowing the truth about PPD and postpartum psychosis
Planning Ahead if You Decide to Pass Go
Arming yourself early on
Surveying the elements of a postpartum plan
Putting your plan on paper
Undergoing professional consultations
Considering an antidepressant as a preventive means
Trusting Your Decisions
The Part of Tens
Ten Common Fantasies about Motherhood
This Should Be the Happiest Time in My Life
I Should Be Able to Do Everything Myself
I Shouldn't Need Breaks
My Life Won't Change That Much
My Needs Shouldn't Matter
Bonding Happens Immediately at Birth
Breastfeeding Is Natural, So It Should Come Easily
Mothering Is Instinctual
I Should Feel Satisfied Being a Stay-at-Home Mom
My Baby Will Be My Companion
Ten Thoughts to Focus on Throughout the Day
PPD Is an Illness, Not a Weakness
Seeking Help is Courageous
I'm a Good Mom
PPD is Temporary - I Will Recover
It's Important That I Take Care of Myself
I'm Doing the Best I Can
I'm Practicing Love toward Myself
I'm Surrounding Myself with Positives
PPD Isn't My Fault
I'm Not Alone
Web Sites
Support resources
Support Numbers
International Organizations
Postpartum Support International
Marce Society
North American Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynecology (NASPOG)
Further Reading