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Philosophy A New Introduction

ISBN-10: 0534600573

ISBN-13: 9780534600570

Edition: 2005

Authors: Douglas Mann, G. Elijah Dann

List price: $164.95
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Did it ever cross your mind that all introduction to philosophy textbooks are the same? Well, here's the antidote to that way of thinking. PHILOSOPHY: A NEW INTRODUCTION is a wide-ranging exploration of numerous fields of philosophy. All of the standard fields are here: metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of religion, and ethics. What isn't so standard is the inclusion of fields such as Political Theory, Aesthetics, Feminism, and the Philosophy of Culture--all via a provocative set of philosophers and readings rarely, if ever, found in an introductory textbook. Featuring editors well-versed in Historical, Analytic, Pragmatic, and Continental schools of thought, this book offers as diverse…    
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Book details

List price: $164.95
Copyright year: 2005
Publisher: Wadsworth
Publication date: 6/15/2004
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 848
Size: 7.25" wide x 9.00" long x 1.25" tall
Weight: 2.750
Language: English

Erika Gottlieb received visual art training in Budapest, Vienna, and Montreal, and her PhD in English literature at McGill. She taught at McGill, Concordia, and Dawson in Montreal and combined a career in visual arts, teaching, and writing. She is the author of three books of literary criticism, including Dystopian Fiction East and West: Universe of Terror and Trial (2003) and dozens of literary essays. Erika Gottlieb lived with her family in Toronto until her death in 2007.Douglas Mann is a social and political theorist also interested in the philosophy of history, cultural studies, and contemporary Continental philosophy. He currently teaches in the Department of Sociology, the Department…    

An Introduction to the Great Conversation of Philosophy
Philosophy and its Problems
A Meta-Narrative of the History of Philosophy
General Bibliography for Readers
The Ancient Greek Origins of Western Philosophy
Introduction: the Birth of Philosophy in Ancient Greece
An Overview of the Presocratics
Thales and the Milesians Contemplate the Cosmos
The Great Speculators on Being and Becoming: Heraclitus, Parmenides and Empedocles
The Philosopher as Pesky Gadfly: Socrates'' Apology
Plato''s Republic
Plato, THE REPUBLIC, Part 1; Selections from Part 2; Selections from Part 3; Aristotle
Aristotle, On Virtue and the Ethical Mean
The State''s Origin In the Household
Forms of the State
The Best State
Study Questions
Internet Resources
The Philosophy of Religion
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Medieval Proofs for the Existence of God
Rene Descartes, The Ontological Argument Revisited
Thomas Aquinas, Reasons In Proof of The Existence of God
S�ren Kierkegaard on the Christian Church
Soren Kierkegaard, Attack Upon "Christendom"
David Hume''s Skeptical Attacks on Religion
David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Friedrich Nietzsche and the Death of God
Nietzsche On God
Nietzsche On Christian Belief and the Christian Church
Nietzsche On Christianity As Herd Morality
The Problem of Evil. B.C
Johnson, God and the Problem of Evil
John Hick, the Problem of Evil
Contemporary Questions in the Philosophy of Religion
Alvin Plantinga, Christian Philosophy At the End of the Twentieth Century
Study Questions
Mind, Body, and Self
The Mind/Body Problem
The Mysterious Case of the Mind and the Body
Descartes'' Dualism
RenT Descartes, Meditations
Ryle on the Ghost in the Machine
Gilbert Ryle, The Ghost In The Machine
The Problem of Consciousness
Thomas Nagel, What Is It Like To Be A Bat?
Paul M
Churchland, Eliminative Materialism
The Self Five The ories of the Self
Empiricism: the Self as a Bundle of Perceptions
David Hume, of Personal Identity
Romanticism: the Self as an Active, Creative Energy
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther
Percy Bysshe Shelley, A Defense of Poetry
Existentialism: the Absurdly Free Self
JosT Ortega y Gasset, Man Has No Nature
Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus
Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism Is A Humanism
Sociological The ory: the Socially Constructed Self
Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self In Everyday Life
Study Questions
Internet Resources
Knowing Our World
Knowledge and the Human Condition
John Locke''s Blank Slate
John Locke, AN Essay Concerning Human Understanding
David Hume''s Skeptical Empiricism
David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
William James''s Pragmatic View of Truth
William James, Pragmatism''s Conception of Truth. A. J
Ayer and Positivism. A. J
Ayer, the Elimination of Metaphysics. R. G
Collingwood''s Idea of History. R. G
Collingwood, Human Nature and Human History
Thomas Kuhn on the Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Thomas Kuhn, the Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Richard Rorty on Truth: Deconstructing Knowledge
Richard Rorty, Science As Solidarity
Sandra Harding and the Case of Feminist Epistemology: Just Whose "Knowledge" Are We Talking About?
Sandra Harding, is The re A Feminist Methodology?
Study Questions
Ethics: An Introduction
Adam Smith and Moral Sense The ory
Adam Smith, the The ory of Moral Sentiments
John Stuart Mill and Utilitarianism
John Stuart Mill, What is Utilitarianism?
Immanuel Kant and Deontology
Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
Friedrich Nietzsche: Beyond God, Good, and Evil
Nietzsche''s critique of conventional morality
The Genealogy of Master and Slave Morality
Justin Oakley: A Virtue Ethics Approach
Justin Oakley, A Virtue Ethics Approach
Rita Manning and Feminist Care Ethics. R