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Makars An Anthology

ISBN-10: 0862418208

ISBN-13: 9780862418205

Edition: 1999

Authors: Jackie Tasioulas, Jackie Tasioulas

List price: $33.00
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This is the largest anthology ever produced from the great riches of this period and includes all the famous figures as well as a few anonymous works. With a glossary and reference, it is by far the most accessible edition yet published.
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Book details

List price: $33.00
Copyright year: 1999
Publisher: Canongate Books
Publication date: 10/15/1999
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 864
Size: 5.12" wide x 7.09" long x 0.79" tall
Weight: 1.342
Language: English

Editor's Note
The Cock and the Jasp
The Two Mice
The Cock and the Fox
The Fox and the Wolf
The Trial of the Fox
The Sheep and the Dog
The Lion and the Mouse
The Preaching of the Swallow
The Fox, the Wolf and the Cadger
The Fox, and Wolf, and the Husbandman
The Wolf and the Wether
The Wolf and the Lamb
The Paddock and the Mouse
Orpheus and Eurydice
The Testament of Cresseid
Robene and Makyne
The Garmont of Gud Ladeis
The Bludy Serk
The Annunciation
The Praise of Age
The Ressoning betwix Aige and Yowth
The Ressoning betwix Deth and Man
The Thre Deid Pollis
Ane Prayer for the Pest
The Abbey Walk
Against Hasty Credence
Sum Practysis of Medecyne
My Heid did Yak Yester Nicht
Sir John Sinclair Begowthe to Dance
Now Fayre, Fayrest of Every Fayre
Quhen Merche wes with Variand Windis Past (The Thrissill and the Rois)
Gladethe, Thoue Queyne of Scottish Regioun
This Hindir Nycht in Dumfermeling
Schir, for Your Grace Bayth Nicht and Day
O Lusty Flour of Yowth, Benyng and Bricht
Thir Ladyis Fair
To Dwell in Court, My Freind, Gife that Thow List
How Sowld I Rewill Me or Quhat Wyis
Musing Allone this Hinder Nicht
Madam, Your Men Said Thai Wald Ryd
Of Februar the Fyiftene Nycht (The Dance of the Sevin Deidly Synnis)
Betwix Twell Houris and Ellevin
Lang Hef I Maed of Ladyes Quhytt
Now Lythis of ane Gentill Knycht
In Vice Most Vicius He Excellis
Renownit, Ryall, Right Reverend and Serene (The Ballade of Barnard Stewart)
Illuster Lodovick, of France Most Cristin King
I Maister Andro Kennedy
Schir Johine the Ros, ane Thing Thair is Compild (The Flyting of Dumbar and Kennedie)
Schir, I Complane of Injuries
Quhy Will Ye, Merchantis of Renoun
This Nycht in my Sleip I was Agast
Ane Murlandis Man of Uplandis Mak
Blyth Aberdeane, Thow Beriall of all Tounis
We that are Heir in Hevynnis Glorie
As Yung Awrora with Cristall Haile (A Ballat of the Abbot of Tungland)
Lucina Schyning in Silence of the Nycht
This Nycht Befoir the Dawing Cleir
Of Benefice, Sir, at Everie Feist
Schir, at this Feist of Benefice
Complane, I Wald, Wist I Quhome Till
Schir, Yit Remember As Befoir
Schir, Ye have Mony Servitouris
Be Divers Wyis and Operatiounes
Of Every Asking Followis Nocht
To Speik of Gift or Almous Deidis
Eftir Geving I Speak of Taking
This Waverand Warldis Wretchidnes
This Hinder Nycht, Half Sleiping As I Lay
My Prince in God Gif The Guid Grace
Schir, Lat in Never in Toune Be Tald
The Wardraipper of Venus Boure
O Gracious Princes Guid and Fair
Sanct Salvatour, Send Silver Sorrow
My Lordis of Chalker, Pleis Yow to Heir
I Thocht Lang Quhill Sum Lord Come Hame
To Speik of Science, Craft or Sapience
He that hes Gold and Grit Riches
Man, Sen Thy Lyfe is Ay in Weir
Quhome to Sall I Complene My Wo
Foure Maner of Men ar Evill to Pleis
Fredome, Honour and Nobilnes
Quho Thinkis that He Hes Sufficence
Full Oft I Mus and Hes in Thocht
Be Mery, Man, and Tak Nocht Fer in Mynd
In to thir Dirk and Drublie Dayis
I Seik Aboute this Warld Onstable
Of Lentren in the First Mornyng
Memento, Homo, Quod Cinis Es
O Wreche, Be War, this Warld Will Wend the Fro
Quhat is this Lyfe Bot ane Straucht Way to Deid
I that in Heill wes and Gladnes (The Lament for the Makars)
Hale, Sterne Superne, Hale, in Eterne
Rorate, Celi, Desuper
Amang Thir Freiris, Within ane Cloister
Done is a Battell on the Dragon Blak
To The, O Marcifull Salviour Myn, Jesus (The Tabill of Confessioun)
O Synfull Man, thir at the Fourty Dayis (The Maner of Passyng to Confessioun)
Salviour, Suppois My Sensualite
In May as that Aurora did Up Spring
Ryght as the Stern of Day Begouth to Schyne (The Goldyn Targe)
Sen that I am a Presoneir
My Hartis Tresure and Swete Assured Fo
Sweit Rois of Vertew and of Gentilnes
Be Ye an Luvar, Think Ye Nocht Ye Suld
Quha Will Behald of Luve the Chance
Apon the Midsummer Evin, Mirriest of Nichtis (The Tretis of the Twa Mariit Wemen and the Wedo)
In Secreit Place this Hyndir Nycht
Now Cumis Aige Quhair Yewth hes Bene
Rycht Airlie on Ask Weddinsday
Now of Wemen this I Say, for Me
The Palis of Honoure
Further Reading