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Ontology of Time Being and Time in the Philosophies of Aristotle, Husserl and Heidegger

ISBN-10: 1402006829

ISBN-13: 9781402006821

Edition: 2002

Authors: Alexei Chernyakov

List price: $109.99
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To understand the role of time within the scope of 20th-century ontology means to develop simultaneously the ontology of time. This book aims to demonstrate that in a definite sense the postmodern ontology is chronology.
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Book details

List price: $109.99
Copyright year: 2002
Publisher: Springer Netherlands
Publication date: 8/31/2002
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 230
Size: 6.10" wide x 9.25" long x 0.75" tall
Weight: 2.530
Language: English

Key to Some References Cited in the Text
Why the ontology of time?
The method
The aim
"Non-being and time"
Time as number and calculating soul
Ontology of human action
Distinctio et compositio essentiae et existentiae
The transition to the "synchronic" analysis
Searching for the lost subject
Care as primordial temporality
Differentia differens
God without being and thought without thinker
Non-Being and Time (The prehistory of the concept of time)
The circle and the sphere
Ontology and chronology
Time as Number and Calculating Soul (Aristotle's theory of time. The prototype of the ontological difference)
Energeia and its internal form
The definition of movement
The concept of energeia
Sensations as energeiai
Internal form of energeia
Identity of energeia and form
Number as "articulation" of a finite set
Magnitude and number
Number as numbering and as numbered
The numbering soul
Being and entity
Aristotle on the manifold meanings of being
The being of the copula
The "now" as one and as a multiple
Time and the intellect of the soul
Movement and number as objects of the sensus communis
How the understanding of difference is possible
The "now" and the "point"
Two energeiai of thought
Distinctio et Compositio Essentiae et Existentiae as Interpreted by Martin Heidegger
Medieval discussion of the ontological difference
Medieval ontology and The Basic Problems of Phenomenology
Essence, existence and ontological difference
Semantic distinctions
Essence, whatness, nature
Essence is different from being (existence)
The simple and the complex
Distinction as such
Suarez on the distinction and composition of essence and existence in the finite entity
Distinctio rationis...
...cum fundamento in re
Existence as finite being
Phenomenological interpretation
Ontology as phenomenology
The ontology of creation
Being received and not received
Objection to a purely mental character of the ontological distinction
Suarez' answer to this objection
Received in something other and received from something other
Existence as the finite being (esse) of finite entities
Existentia and Existenz
Ontology of Human Action (Aristotle's Eth. Nic. VI and Heidegger's commentaries)
The topography of the truth. How the soul "discloses the truth"
Quarrel of wisdom and prudence
"Parts" of the soul and their virtues
The soul as the first entelecheia
Corporeality and responsible act
Eternal and temporal truth ([characters not reproducible] and [characters not reproducible])
Principles of action
[characters not reproducible] and Eigentlichkeit
Noema and phronema
God Without Being and Thought Without Thinker
The source of being which "is not" (on the Divine Names V 5)
What never was nor will be; what is not
On the poetic way of naming
Naming by analogy
To see the invisible
Energeia and essence
Analogia mentis
Maximus the Confessor on the two parts of the human soul
The paradoxes of reflection in Husserl's phenomenology (The transcendental subject lost)
Da-sein and Bewu[beta]t-sein
Empty and filled
The ego pursuing itself
Searching for the Lost Subject
The genealogy of subjectivity
Predecessors and heirs of the transcendental subject
Negative analogy
Categories and existentialia
[characters not reproducible] and subjectum
The subject and the ego
The fundamental axiom of classical ontology. Existence and positivity
Man assumes the role of subject
The category as the internal structure of existence
Whatness and whoness
Category as a determination of the transcendental subject
The limits of analogy
Care as the successor of subjectivity (Ontology of being-ready-to-hand)
Being as "having-to-be"
The existential structure of care
Entity-within-the-world and its being
The sphere of equipment
The totality of involvement
For-the-sake-of-which and for-whose-sake
The ontological concept of care
The unity of the thing and the unity of care
Negative analogy as a distinction
Entity as "one"
Aristotle: the "one" as essence
The unity of the ready-to-hand as a topological unity
The tool as "one"
Interpretation and freeing of the thing
The topos of Da
Primordial Temporality and Ontological Difference
Care as primordial temporality
Being-ready-to-hand and the time of dealing
"Tendency" before the cogito
Understanding, interpretation and the meaning of meaning
The meaning of care
The ecstases of temporality
The forthcoming
The past
The present as the "twinkling of an eye"
Ecstatic tripartite unity of time and topological unity of Dasein
The point of the "now" and the unity of the transcendental subject
Involvement and the horizon of an object
Understanding of being and transcendence of Dasein
The concept of schematism
Directional sense and horizontal schema
Kant's transcendental schema
Schematism of temporal ecstases and the unity of horizontal schemata
The ontological difference
Two forms of ontological difference
The ready-to-hand, the present-at-hand and the existential ontological modification
Being-what and being-how of the ready-to-hand
Praesens as the horizon of the present
Praesens as being-ready-to-hand
Praesens in the "twinkling of an eye"
Being-what (essence) and being-how (existence) of the present-at-hand
Absolute temporal flow and primordial temporality
Possibility of all that which is possible
Differentia differens
Index of Names
Subject Index