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Western Philosophy An Anthology

ISBN-10: 1405124776

ISBN-13: 9781405124775

Edition: 2nd 2008 (Revised)

Authors: John G. Cottingham

List price: $147.95
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"Western Philosophy: An Anthology" provides the most comprehensive and authoritative survey of the Western philosophical tradition from ancient Greece to the leading philosophers of today. Features substantial and carefully chosen excerpts from all the greats of philosophy, arranged thematically and chronologically Readings are introduced and linked together by a lucid philosophical commentary which guides the reader through the key arguments Embraces all the major subfields of philosophy: theory of knowledge and metaphysics, philosophy of mind, religion and science, moral philosophy (theoretical and applied), political theory, and aesthetics Updated edition now includes additional…    
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Book details

List price: $147.95
Edition: 2nd
Copyright year: 2008
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date: 11/28/2007
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 896
Size: 7.05" wide x 10.00" long x 1.99" tall
Weight: 3.630
Language: English

Advice to Readers and Format of the Volume
Knowledge and Certainty
Innate Knowledge: Plato, Meno
Knowledge versus Opinion: Plato, Republic
Demonstrative Knowledge and its Starting-points: Aristotle, Posterior Analytics
New Foundations for Knowledge: Ren? Descartes, Meditations
The Senses as the Basis of Knowledge: John Locke, Essay concerning Human Understanding
Innate Knowledge Defended: Gottfried Leibniz, New Essays on Human Understanding
Scepticism versus Human Nature: David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Experience and Understanding: Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
From Sense-certainty to Self-consciousness: Georg Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit
Against Scepticism: G. E. Moore, A Defence of Common Sense
Does Empirical Knowledge Have a Foundation? Wilfrid Sellars, The Myth of the Given
The Conditions for Knowledge: Edmund Gettier, Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?.Specimen Questions.Suggestions for Further Reading
Being and Reality
The Allegory of the Cave: Plato, Republic
Individual Substance: Aristotle, Categories
Supreme Being and Created Things: Ren? Descartes, Principles of Philosophy
Qualities and Ideas: John Locke, Essay concerning Human Understanding
Substance, Life and Activity: Gottfried Leibniz, New System
Nothing Outside the Mind: George Berkeley, Principles of Human Knowledge
The Limits of Metaphysical Speculation: David Hume, Enquiry concerning Human Understanding
Metaphysics, Old and New: Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena
Being and Involvement: Martin Heidegger, Being and Time
The End of Metaphysics?: Rudolf Carnap, The Elimination of Metaphysics
The Problem of Ontology: W. V. O. Quine, On What There Is
Why Is There Anything?: Derek Parfit, The Puzzle of Reality.Specimen Questions.Suggestions for Further Reading
Language and Meaning
The Meaning of Words: Plato, Cratylus
Language and its Acquisition: Augustine, Confessions
Thought, Language and its Components: William of Ockham, Writings on Logic
Language, Reason and Animal Utterance: Ren? Descartes, Discourse on the Method
Abstract General Ideas: John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Particular Ideas and General Meaning: George Berkeley, Principles of Human Knowledge
Denotation versus Connotation: John Stuart Mill, A System of Logic
Names and their Meaning: Gottlob Frege, Sense and Reference
Definite Descriptions: Bertrand Russell, Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Non-descriptive Uses of Language: J. L. Austin, Performative Utterances
Language, Meaning and Context: Paul Grice, Logic and Conversation
How the Reference of Terms is Fixed: Saul Kripke, Naming and Necessity.Specimen Questions.Suggestions for Further Reading
Mind and Body
The Immortal Soul: Plato, Phaedo
Soul and Body, Form and Matter: Aristotle, De Anima
The Human Soul: Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae
The Incorporeal Mind: Ren? Descartes, Meditations
The Identity of Mind and Body: Benedict Spinoza, Ethics
Mind-Body Correlations: Nicolas Malebranche, Dialogues on Metaphysics
Body and Mind as Manifestations of Will: Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Idea
The Problem of Other Minds: John Stuart Mill, An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy
The Hallmarks of Mental Phenomena: Franz Brentano, Psychology from an Empirical St