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Gauge Theories in Particle Physics: a Practical Introduction, Volume 2: Non-Abelian Gauge Theories QCD and the Electroweak Theory, Fourth Edition

ISBN-10: 1466513071

ISBN-13: 9781466513075

Edition: 4th 2013 (Revised)

Authors: Ian J. R. Aitchison, Anthony J. G. Hey

List price: $71.99
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The second volume of this updated fourth edition introduces global and local non-Abelian symmetries and develops simple ideas of group theory. It covers both perturbative and non-perturbative QCD, provides an extensive discussion of spontaneously broken symmetry, and includes an application to chiral symmetry breaking and chiral perturbation theory. The text also describes weak interaction phenomenology, the GWS theory, and condensed matter (many-body) systems, including the one-dimensional Ising model, the bosonic (Bogoliubov) superfluid, and the fermionic (BCS) superconductor.
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Book details

List price: $71.99
Edition: 4th
Copyright year: 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Publication date: 12/17/2012
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 524
Size: 6.26" wide x 9.33" long x 1.10" tall
Weight: 4.290
Language: English

Tony Hey is Vice President of Microsoft Research and has published over 150 research papers on particle physics, computer science and multi-disciplinary eScience. He is the co-author, with Ian Aitchison, of the graduate textbook Gauge Theories in Particle Physics (4th edition) and co-editor of Richard Feynman's Lectures on Computation. He is also co-author of popular science books on quantum mechanics and relativity, The New Quantum Universe and Einstein's Mirror. Most recently, he co-edited The Fourth Paradigm, a book about eScience and the new era of data-intensive science.

Non-Abelian Symmetries
Global Non-Abelian Symmetries
The Standard Model
The flavour symmetry SU(2)<sub>f</sub>
The nucleon isospin doublet and the group SU(2)
Larger (higher-dimensional) multiplets of SU(2) in nuclear physics
Isospin in particle physics: flavour SU(2)<sub>f</sub>
Flavour SU(3)<sub>f</sub>
Non-Abelian global symmetries in Lagrangian quantum field theory
SU(2)<sub>f</sub> and SU(3)<sub>f</sub>
Chiral symmetry
Local Non-Abelian (Gauge) Symmetries
Local SU(2) symmetry
The covariant derivative and interactions with matter
The non-Abelian field strength tensor
Local SU(3) Symmetry
Local non-Abelian symmetries in Lagrangian quantum field theory
Local SU(2) and SU(3) Lagrangians
Gauge field self-interactions
Quantizing non-Abelian gauge fields
QCD and the Renormalization Group
QCD I: Introduction, Tree Graph Predictions, and Jets
The colour degree of freedom
The dynamics of colour
Colour as an SU(3) group
Global SU(3)<sub>c</sub> invariance, and 'scalar gluons'
Local SU(3)<sub>c</sub> invariance: the QCD Lagrangian
The �-term
Hard scattering processes, QCD tree graphs, and jets
Two-jet events in pp collisions
Three-jet events in pp collisions
3-jet events in e<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup> annihilation
Calculation of the parton-level cross section
Soft and collinear divergences
Definition of the two-jet cross section in e<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup> annihilation
Further developments
Test of non-Abelian nature of QCD in e<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup> &#8594; 4 jets
Jet algorithms
QCD II: Asymptotic Freedom, the Renormalization Group, and Scaling Violations
Higher-order QCD corrections to �(e<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup> &#8594; hadrons): large logarithms
The renormalization group and related ideas in QED
Where do the large logs come from?
Changing the renormalization scale
The RGE and large -q<sup>2</sup> behaviour in QED
Back to QCD: asymptotic freedom
One loop calculation
Higher-order calculations, and experimental comparison
�(e<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup> &#8594; hadrons) revisited
A more general form of the RGE: anomalous dimensions and running masses
QCD corrections to the parton model predictions for deep inelastic scattering: scaling violations
Uncancelled mass singularities at order �<sub>s</sub>
Factorization, and the order �<sub>s</sub> DGLAP equation
Comparison with experiment
Lattice Field Theory, and the Renormalization Group Revisited
Scalar fields
Dirac fields
Gauge fields
Representation of quantum amplitudes
Quantum mechanics
Quantum field theory
Connection with statistical mechanics
Renormalization, and the renormalization group, on the lattice
Two one-dimensional examples
Connections with particle physics
Lattice QCD
Introduction, and the continuum limit
The static qq potential
Calculation of �(M<sub>Z</sub><sup>2</sup>)
Hadron masses
Spontaneously Broken Symmetry
Spontaneously Broken Global Symmetry
The Fabri-Picasso theorem
Spontaneously broken symmetry in condensed matter physics
The ferromagnet
The Bogoliubov superfluid
Goldstone's theorem
Spontaneously broken global U(1) symmetry: the Goldstone model
Spontaneously broken global non-Abelian symmetry
The BCS superconducting ground state
Chiral Symmetry Breaking
The Nambu analogy
Two flavour QCD and SU(2)<sub>f L</sub> � SU(2)<sub>f R</sub>
Pion decay and the Goldberger-Treiman relation
Effective Lagrangians
The linear and non-linear �-models
Inclusion of explicit symmetry breaking: masses for pions and quarks
Extension to SU(3)<sub>f L</sub> � SU(3)<sub>f R</sub>
Chiral anomalies
Spontaneously Broken Local Symmetry
Massive and massless vector particles
The generation of 'photon mass' in a superconductor: Ginzburg-Landau theory and the Meissner effect
Spontaneously broken local U(1) symmetry: the Abelian Higgs model
Flux quantization in a superconductor
't Hooft's gauges
Spontaneously broken local SU(2) � U(1) symmetry
Weak Interactions and the Electroweak Theory
Introduction to the Phenomenology of Weak Interactions
Fermi's 'current-current' theory of nuclear �-decay, and its generalizations
Parity violation in weak interactions, and V-A theory
Parity violation
V-A theory: chirality and helicity
Lepton number and lepton flavours
The universal current � current theory for weak interactions of leptons
Calculation of the cross section for �<sub>�</sub> + e<sup>-</sup> &#8594; �<sup>-</sup> + �<sub>e</sub>
Leptonic weak neutral currents
Quark weak currents
Two generations
Deep inelastic neutrino scattering
Three generations
Non-leptonic weak interactions
CP Violation and Oscillation Phenomena
Direct CP violation in B decays'
CP violation in B meson oscillations
Time-dependent mixing formalism
Determination of the angles �(�<sub>2</sub>) and �( �<sub>1</sub>) of the unitarity triangle
CP violation in neutral K-meson decays
Neutrino mixing and oscillations
Neutrino mass and mixing
Neutrino oscillations: formulae
Neutrino oscillations: experimental results
Matter effects in neutrino oscillations
Further developments
The Glashow-Salam-Weinberg Gauge Theory of Electroweak Interactions
Difficulties with the current-current and 'naive' IVB models
Violations of unitarity
The problem of non-renormalizability in weak interactions
The SU(2) � U(1) electroweak gauge theory
Quantum number assignments; Higgs, W and Z masses
The leptonic currents (massless neutrinos): relation to current-current model
The quark currents
Simple (tree-level) predictions
The discovery of the W<sup>�</sup> and Z<sup>0</sup> at the CERN pp collider
Production cross sections for W and Z in pp colliders
Charge asymmetry in W<sup>�</sup> decay
Discovery of the W<sup>�</sup> and Z<sup>0</sup> at the pp collider, and their properties
Fermion masses
One generation
Three-generation mixing
Higher-order corrections
The top quark
The Higgs sector
Theoretical considerations concerning m<sub>H</sub>
Higgs boson searches and the 2012 discovery
Group Theory
Definition and simple examples
Lie groups
Generators of Lie groups
SO (3) and three-dimensional rotations
SO(4): The special orthogonal group in four dimensions
The Lorentz group
Matrix representations of generators, and of Lie groups
The Lorentz group
The relation between SU(2) and SO(3)
Geometrical Aspects of Gauge Fields
Covariant derivatives and coordinate transformations
Geometrical curvature and the gauge field strength tensor
Dimensional Regularization
Grassmann Variables
Feynman Rules for Tree Graphs in QCD and the Electroweak Theory
External particles
The electroweak theory
External particles