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On Christian Belief

ISBN-10: 1565482344

ISBN-13: 9781565482340

Edition: N/A

Authors: Michael Fiedrowicz, Saint Augustine

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Book details

Publisher: New City Press of the Focolare
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 372
Size: 6.00" wide x 9.00" long x 1.00" tall
Weight: 1.100
Language: English

Saint Augustine was born to a Catholic mother and a pagan father on November 13, 354, at Tagasta, near Algiers. He studied Latin literature and later taught rhetoric in Rome and Milan. He originally joined the Manicheans, a religious sect, but grew unhappy with some of their philosophies. He soon turned to Christianity and was baptized in 386. One of Augustine's major goals was a single, unified church. He was ordained a priest in 391 and appointed Bishop of Hippo, in Roman Africa, in 396, His writings and arguments with other sects include the Donatists and the Pelagians. On the Trinity, The City of God, and On Nature and Grace are some of his important writings. Confessions, which is…    

General Introduction
True Religion
True Religion as Worship of the One True God
The Economy of Salvation as the Basis of True Religion
The Healing of the Soul by the True Religion
True Religion as a Surmounting of Manichean Dualism
The Importance of the Work
True Religion
The Inconsistency between the Private Teaching of Philosophers and their Public Observance of Religious Rites
Had Socrates and Plato Been Alive in Augustine's Day, They Would Have Recognized Christ for what He Really Was
Invitation to Serious Platonists to Become Christians
The Church's Sacramental Discipline Bears Testimony to the Coherence of its Doctrine
Divine Providence Uses All Kinds of Men to Further the Work of the Catholic Church
The True Religion Is Catholic Christianity, the Mystery of the Trinity Revealed in Sacred History
The Need to Progress from Faith to Understanding; the Value of Heresies in this Regard
The Purpose of this Work, as Regards the Manicheans
The Basic Principle of True Religion; This to Be Found in Christ and Christianity
Life, Death, Nothingness and Wickedness
Sin and its Punishment, Constituting Evil; the Overcoming of Evil by the Abolition of Death
The Devil
The Reality of Sin Implies the Reality of Free Will
God's Justice, in Harmony with his Benevolence, Gives Us Good Training in the Cardinal Virtues
What Was Achieved by the Incarnation of the Word
The Difference between the two Testaments; Analogies in Ordinary Life
God, the Author of Everything Good, even of What Is only Potentially Good, Has Made Everything out of Nothing
On Faultiness in General in its Relation to the Good
More Illustrations of the Non-subsistent Nature of Evil
In What Sense Bodies Are "Vanity"
The Point Illustrated by Poetic Composition
Since Evil Is not a Substance, its Presence in no Way Mars the Universal Creation
God Heals the Human Race by a Gradual Process, Culminating in the Incarnation of the Word
Which Authorities Are primarily to Be Trusted
The Ages of Man, as Realized in the Old Man and the New
More about the Old Man and the New
From the Plain History of Scripture to its Hidden Meanings
The Life of Reason
Above the Mind Is What It Judges Things by, and That is Truth
It Is Unlawful to Pass Judgment on Eternal Truth, in Accordance with Which We Judge Everything Else
The Harmonious Unity of Bodies Is Judged in Terms of a Non-bodily Idea of Unity
Appearances never Lie, but if We Misjudge Them, We Become Vanitators and Prevent their Leading Us to the Contemplation of the Supreme Beauty, God
Multiplicity Has its Place in God's Plans, but We Must not Be Distracted by It from the One
Be Still from the Fancies of Place and Time, and Know that I Am God
Failure to Distinguish between Truth and the True, Likeness and the Like, Leads to Idolatry
From the Worship of God's Creatures to the Worship of Idols, the Work of Men's Hands
From Idolatry to Atheism; the Three Great Addictions and Temptations
Even Things of the Lowest Order Reflect the Supreme Concord and Harmony of the Truth
God's Providence Directs All Creatures, from the Lowest to the Highest, to the Manifestation of the Supreme Beauty of Wisdom
The Preservation of the Right Order of Things
The Unchanging Law of Numbers
About This and That, Ending up with God
The Effect of Man's Being Made to God's Image, fully Realized in the Resurrection of the Body
How even our Vices are Intimations of Eternal Blessedness; a Curious Comparison of the Charioteer Riding for a Fall
The True Import of Loving your Neighbor as Yourself
A Portrait of the truly Unbeaten Winner
Even Vices Can Signify Virtues
Truth in Itself, and its Inferior Representations
Steps Leading to Ultimate Truth; Allegory
Scripture First and Last for Nourishing the Spirit
So Many Reminders of Eternity, when even Vices Recall Virtues
In this Life the Means to the End in the Next
The Parables of the Wedding Feast and of the Talents
Conclusion: Various Kinds of False Religion; an Exhortation to Bind Ourselves to the True Religion
The Advantage of Believing
Occasion and Addressee of the Work
Purpose of the Work
Structure of the Work
The Interpretation of Scripture
The Problem of Belief
The Importance of the Work
The Advantage of Believing
Faith and the Creed
Method and Structure
Importance of the Work
Faith and the Creed
An Explanation of the Creed
God's Creation
The Word
The Expression of the Word
Through Him All Things Were Made
God from God, Light from Light
Born of the Virgin Mary
An Earthly Mother
Humility in Dying
Rose from the Dead and Ascended into Heaven
The Holy Spirit
The Trinity
Forgiveness of Sins
Faith in the Unseen
Authenticity and Date
Literary Genre and Structure
The Line of Argument
The Necessity of Religious Faith
The Credibility of the Christian Faith
The Importance of the Work
Faith in the Unseen
Demonic Divination
Occasion, Composition, Form
Historical Background
Augustine's Interpretation of Pagan Prophecies
Demonic Divination
The Occasion that Produced this Little Book; that God Permits Things to Happen Does not Mean that They Must Be Good
God's Allowing Pagan Sacrifices Does not Mean He Approves of Them or Lets Them Go Unpunished
Why It Is Easy for Demons to Divine the Future
Comparison with the Marvels even Bad Human Beings Perform, Which nonetheless Do not Entitle Them to Greater Respect than the Good and Just
How Demons Succeed in Forecasting Future Events
Demonic Predictions, unlike Genuine Prophecy, Can Be both Mistaken and Deliberately Misleading
Reasons why Demons Are Allowed to Predict What Had already Been Foretold by the Prophets
The One True God of Israel Has never Been Attacked or Denied by the Oracles of Pagan Gods
The Conversion of the Gentiles Foretold by the Prophets
The Mockery of the Few Remaining Educated Pagans May Be safely Ignored
Faith and Works
Occasion and Historical Background
Augustine's Answer
Importance of the Work
Faith and Works
The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and Charity
Occasion and Addressee
Title and Date
Intention and Content of the Work
Theological Importance
The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope, and Charity
The Beauty of Wisdom
Wisdom Is the Same as Piety
God Is to Be Worshiped with Faith, Hope, and Charity
The Origin of the Handbook
Beginning with Faith and Ending with Vision
Your Heart Must Be Set on Fire with Great Love
The Creed and the Lord's Prayer
Charity Cannot Exist without Hope nor Hope without Charity, nor Can Either Exist without Faith
Faith in God the Creator
The Cause of Created Things Is the Goodness of the Creator
Evil Is the Removal of Good
Corruption Cannot Consume Good without Consuming the Thing Itself
Good and Evil People
Two Contraries Cannot Exist Simultaneously in One Thing
The Tree and the Fruits
Error: One Takes Something False to Be True
Every Error Is in Itself an Evil
Not Every Error Is a Sin
Error, though not always a Sin, Is always an Evil
To Use Words for Deception, and not for What They Were Instituted, Is a Sin
Faith in Christ the Redeemer
Causes of Good and Evil
Ignorance and Desire
Death of the Body
Adam's Sin
God Judged It Better to Bring Good out of Evil than to Allow Nothing Evil to Exist
The Angels
The Promise Made to the Saints
By Grace You Have Been Saved through Faith
We Are Truly Free when God Makes Us
Give What You Command; Command What You Will
The Grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus Born of Mary
Son of God and Son of Man
The Word is Full of Grace
Born of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit Is not Father
The Meaning of Sonship
The Gift of God
Jesus Was Called Sin
The Great Mystery of Baptism
The Use of the Singular and the Plural
In Adam's Sin There Are Many Sins
A Person's Rebirth
The Sins of Ancestors
The One Mediator between God and Humanity
Jesus' Example
Rebirth in Christ
Baptized into Christ's Death
The Mysteries of Christ
To Judge the Living and the Dead
Faith in the Holy Spirit and the Church
The Holy Church
The Church in Heaven
The Angels
The Bodies of Angels
Putting Our Hope In God
The Pilgrim Church
Reconciliation on Earth and in Heaven
Peace through the Blood of the Cross
Faith in the Forgiveness of Sins
The Forgiveness of Sins
Special Times of Penance
The Future Judgment
Faith and Good Works
Saved by Fire
Purifying Fire
Works of Charity
The Lord's Prayer
Giving Alms
Loving Your Enemies and Willing Them Good
Forgiveness from the Heart
Not just Almsgiving
Almsgiving Is a Work of Mercy
God's Mercy Shall Go before Me
Trivial and Serious Sins
Some Sins Appear Trivial but Are Serious
Great and Terrible Sins, if They Are Habitual, Seem Trivial
Two Causes of Sins: Ignorance and Weakness
For Penance We Need God's Mercy
Sin against the Holy Spirit
Faith in the Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting
The Resurrection of the Body
The Beginning of Life
Complete Human Bodies at the Resurrection
The Material of the Body Never Perishes
The Resurrection of the Lost
Punishment in Accord with Guilt
The Will of the Almighty
The Permission of Evil
The Salvation of All
Grace Alone Distinguishes the Redeemed from the Lost
Good out of Evil
The Meaning of 1 Timothy 2:4
The First Human Being
The Mercy of God Has Been Greater since the Fall
Eternal Life Is the Reward for Good Works
Only God Could Be Mediator
Between Death and Resurrection
The Two Cities
Future Punishments Cannot Be Denied
Perpetual Death of the Damned
Hope Accompanied by Holy Charity
The Seven Petitions of the Lord's Prayer in Matthew
Luke's Five Petitions
The Primacy of Love
The Four Stages of Humanity
The Grace of Regeneration
No Harm to Those Who Have Received the Sacrament of Regeneration
The End of the Commandment Is Charity
Index of Scripture