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British Political Leaders A Biographical Dictionary

ISBN-10: 1576070433

ISBN-13: 9781576070437

Edition: 2001

Authors: Keith Laybourn, Mildred Vasan

List price: $96.00
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This historical biographical dictionary covers all the individuals who have held Offices of State in Britain since 1730 including Prime Ministers, Chancellors of the Exchequer, Foreign Secretaries and Home Secretaries.
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Book details

List price: $96.00
Copyright year: 2001
Publisher: ABC-CLIO, LLC
Publication date: 8/16/2001
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 380
Size: 7.00" wide x 10.00" long x 0.88" tall
Weight: 1.936
Language: English

Keith Laybourn is Professor of History at the University of Huddersfield.

Preface and Acknowledgments
Notes on the British Political and Educational System
Aberdeen, Earl of
Addington, Henry
Akers-Douglas, Aretas
Althorp, Henry
Anderson, Sir John
Asquith, Herbert Henry
Attlee, Clement
Baker, Kenneth
Baldwin, Stanley
Balfour, Arthur James
Barber, Anthony
Baring, Sir Francis Thornhill
Barrington, Viscount
Bathurst, Henry
Bedford, Duke of
Bevin, Ernest
Bexley, Lord
Blair, Tony
Bonar Law, Andrew
Bridgeman, W. C.
Brittan, Sir Leon
Brooke, Henry
Brown, George
Brown, Gordon
Bruce, Henry Austin
Bute, Earl of
Butler, Richard Austen
Callaghan, James
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry
Canning, George
Carr, Robert
Carrington, Lord
Carteret, John
Castlereagh, Viscount
Cave, Sir George
Cavendish, Lord John
Chamberlain, Austen
Chamberlain, Neville
Chesterfield, Earl of
Childers, Hugh
Churchill, Lord Randolph
Churchill, Sir Winston
Chuter-Ede, James Chuter
Clarendon, Earl of
Clarke, Kenneth
Clynes, John Richard
Compton, Spencer
Conway, Henry Seymour
Cook, Robin
Cripps, Sir Stafford
Crosland, Tony
Cross, Sir Richard Assheton
Curzon, Lord
Dalton, Hugh
Dartmouth, Earl of
Derby, 14th Earl of
Derby, 15th Earl of
Devonshire, Duke of
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dowdeswell, William
Dudley, Viscount
Duncannon, Viscount
Dundas, Henry
Eden, Sir Anthony
Egremont, Earl of
Ellis, Welbore
Estcourt, Thomas H. S. S.
Fox, Charles James
Fox, Henry
Gaitskell, Hugh
Gilmour, Sir John
Gladstone, Herbert
Gladstone, William Ewart
Goderich, Viscount
Gordon Walker, Patrick Chrestien
Goschen, George Joachim
Goulburn, Henry
Grafton, Duke of
Graham, Sir James
Grantham, Lord
Granville, Earl
Grenville, George
Grenville, Lord
Grey, Lord
Grey, Sir Edward
Grey, Sir George
Halifax, Earl of
Halifax, Lord
Harcourt, Sir William
Hardy, Gathorne
Harrington, Earl
Harrowby, Lord, Viscount Sandon
Healey, Denis
Heath, Edward
Heathcoat Amory, Derick
Henderson, Arthur
Herries, John Charles
Hicks Beach, Sir Michael
Hillsborough, Earl of
Hoare, Sir Samuel
Holderness, Earl of
Home, Sir Alec Douglas
Horne, Sir Robert Stevenson
Howard, Michael
Howe, Sir Geoffrey
Hunt, George Ward
Hurd, Douglas
Jenkins, Roy
Joynson-Hicks, William
Kimberley, Earl of
Lamont, Norman
Lansdowne, 3rd Marquess of
Lansdowne, 5th Marquess of
Lawson, Nigel
Le Despenser, Lord
Leeds, Duke of
Legge, Henry
Lewis, Sir George Cornewall
Liverpool, Earl of
Lloyd, Selwyn
Lloyd George, David
Lloyd-George, Gwilym
Lowe, Sir Robert
MacDonald, James Ramsay
McKenna, Reginald
Macleod, Iain
Macmillan, Harold
Major, John
Malmesbury, Earl of
Mansfield, Lord
Matthews, Henry
Maudling, Reginald
Maxwell Fyfe, Sir David Patrick
Melbourne, Viscount
Morrison, Herbert
Mulgrave, Lord
Newcastle, Duke of
Normanby, Marquess of
North, Lord
Northcote, Sir Stafford
Owen, David Anthony
Palmerston, Lord
Peel, Sir Robert
Pelham, Hon. Henry
Pelham, Lord
Perceval, Spencer
Pitt, William, the Elder
Pitt, William, the Younger
Portland, Duke of
Pulteney, Sir William
Pym, Francis
Reading, Marquess of
Rees, Lord Merlyn
Richmond, Duke of
Ridley, Sir Matthew White
Rifkind, Malcolm
Ritchie, C. T.
Robinson, Thomas
Rochford, Earl of
Rockingham, Marquess of
Rosebery, Lord
Russell, Lord John
Ryder, Richard
Sackville, Viscount
Salisbury, Lord
Samuel, Sir Herbert
Sandwich, Earl of
Sandys, Lord Samuel
Shelburne, Earl of
Shortt, Edward
Simon, Sir John Allsebrook
Snowden, Philip
Somervell, Sir Donald Bradley
Soskice, Sir Frank
Spring-Rice, Thomas
Stewart, Michael
Stormont, Viscount
Straw, Jack
Sturges-Bourne, William
Suffolk and Berkshire, Earl of
Sydney, Viscount
Temple, Earl of
Thatcher, Margaret
Thorneycroft, Peter
Townshend, Charles
Townshend, Charles
Waddington, David Charles
Waldegrave, James
Walpole, Sir Robert
Walpole, Spencer Horatio
Wellesley, Richard Colley
Wellington, Duke of
Weymouth, Viscount
Whitelaw, William
Wilson, Harold
Wood, Sir Charles
Wood, Sir Kingsley
Yorke, Charles Philip
Chronological List of Leaders by Cabinet Office
About the Editor and Contributors